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    Particles 2010 - Second Call for Papers

    2010-01-21 admin 点击:[]

    Dear Colleague:

    This is the second call for contributed papers and posters to Particles 2010: Medical/Biochemical Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, and Drug Delivery Applications of Particle Technology, being held 22-25 May 2010, near Orlando, in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

    Particles 2010 is an international conference examining the science and technology aspects of medical/biochemical diagnostic, pharmaceutical, and drug delivery applications of particle technology. Symposia will address diverse topics including nanoparticles, hydrogels, chemical and drug delivery, controlled release, suspensions, inhalation, liposomes, colloidosomes, polymersomes, micelles and microemulsions, characterization, gene delivery, siRNA delivery, chemical and biochemical diagnostics, separations, surface modification, critical and supercritical fluid applications, spray drying, emulsions, and multiple emulsions. The conference targets practicing scientists, clinical research physicians, engineers, managers, innovators, and entrepreneurs, and embraces the theme “particles for detection and treatment.”

    Please see, for general information:


    for abstract formatting and submission instructions:



    John Texter, General Chair

    Particles 2010
