Dear Colleague
This isthe final call for papers for Lab-on-a-Chip World Congress, MicroarrayWorld Congress and Molecular Diagnostics World Congress which are allco-located in South San Francisco, USA on 6th and 7th August 2009.
The conferences will focus primarily on the following subjects:
Point-of-Care Diagnostics
Life Science Applications
Microarray Technology
CGH Arrays
Methylation Detection
Protein and Antibody Arrays
Lipid Arrays
Molecular Diagnostics
Emerging Technologies
Molecular Diagnostics
Trends and Emerging Technologies in Molecular Diagnostics
PGx and Personalized Medicine
Speakerslots are still available so please don’t hesitate to contact us if,after viewing the possible agenda topics, you feel you have informationthat you would like to present.
The fast approaching deadline for the submission of abstracts for consideration is 2 February 2009.
To submit your presentation or poster abstract for consideration, please use the following relevant links:
Select Conferences | Lab-on-a-Chip World Congress 2009 | Submission
Select Conferences | Microarray World Congress 2009 | Submission
Select Conferences | Molecular Diagnostics World Congress 2009 | Submission
Please accept my apologies if your field of research does not totally match the conferences’ topics.
I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Very kind regards,
Sara Sharpe
Conference Producer
Select Biosciences Ltd.
Woodview, Bull Lane, Sudbury, C010 0FD, UK
Tel. +44 (0)1787 314956
Fax. +44 (0)1787 315111
Upcoming Events for 2009
Stem Cells World Congress20-22 January 2009, Palm Springs, USA
Screening Europe23-25 February 2009, Berlin, Germany
MedChem Europe23-25 February 2009, Berlin, Germany
ADMET Europe23-25 February 2009, Berlin, Germany
Drug Discovery Latin America26-27 February 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Advances in Synthetic Biology28-29 April 2009, London, England
Advances in Synthetic Chemistry16-17 April 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland
DxRx Summit: Nucleic Acid Diagnostics & Therapeutics12-13 May 2009, Boston, MA, USA
RNAi World Congress14-15 May 2009, Boston, MA, USA
Lab-on-a-Chip European Congress19-20 May 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Advances in Microarray Technology19-20 May 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Molecular Diagnostics Europe19-20 May 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
AgriGenomics World Congress2-3 July 2009, London, England
Target Discovery World Congress4-5 August 2009, South San Francisco, CA, USA
Lab-on-a-Chip World Congress6-7 August 2009, South San Francisco, CA, USA
Microarray World Congress6-7 August 2009, South San Francisco, CA, USA
Molecular Diagnostics World Congress6-7 August 2009, South San Francisco, CA, USA
Peptides Europe17-18 Sept 2009, Berlin, Germany
RNAi Europe17-18 Sept 2009, Berlin, Germany
Advances in qPCR17-18 Sept 2009, Berlin, Germany
Epigenetics World Congress17-18 Sept 2009, Berlin, Germany
Stem Cells Europe23-25 Sept 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland
World Biobanking Summit24-25 Sept 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland
RNAi Asia14-16 Oct 2009, Kunshan [Nr. Shanghai], China
Advances in Metabolic Profiling5-6 Nov 2009, Barcelona, Spain
European Biomarkers Summit5-6 Nov 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Proteomics Europe5-6 Nov 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Mass Spec Europe5-6 Nov 2009, Barcelona, Spain