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    2008-08-16 admin 点击:[]


    演讲人: Dr. Gao Shichang

    (EE, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK)

    题目: Advanced Antennas and RF/Microwave Circuits for Wireless Communications and Radars

    时间: 2008年8月28日(四) 上午9:00~ 10:00

    地点: 东南大学李文正楼614北会议室

    主办: IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter




    This talk will present some work on advanced antennas, RF/microwave circuits and systems at Surrey Space Centre. The Electronic Engineering Department at the University of Surrey was awarded top-grade (5*A) during the recent research-assessment exercise in the UK. Surrey Space Centre, together with its spin-off company, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, is the world leader in small satellites. Since 1978, Surrey has demonstrated a number of firsts world wide in the area of small satellites. It has designed, manufactured and successfully launched 27 satellites. These satellites include Tsinghua-1 and Beijing-1 for China, and Giove-A for European Galileo System, etc.In this talk, a brief introduction to Surrey Space Centre will be given at first Some examples of the research work on advanced antennas, RF/microwave circuits and systems will be explained. These examplesinclude broadband dual-polarized antennas, smart antennas, active integrated antennas, active array antennas, high-efficiency RF/microwave power amplifiers, microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC), etc. A brief introduction to the most recent work at Surrey will be given at the end.


    Gao Shichang (Steven) was born in Anhui, China. He is a Senior Lecturer and Group Leader in Antennas and RF Systems at Surrey Space Centre, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey, UK. He holds a Ph.D in Microwave Engineering at Shanghai University, China.He started his research career since 1993 while working at China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP), Xinxiang, Henan, China. Afterwards, he worked at some institutes internationally, including: as a Post-Doc. Research Fellow at National University of Singa-pore, Singapore, a Research Fellow at University of Birmingham, UK, Visiting Scientist at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland, Visiting Professor at University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA, and Visiting Fellow at Chiba Unive-rsity, Japan, etc. In 2002, he was a Senior Lecturer and Head of Active Antenna Research Group at Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, and promoted to Reader in 2006. He joined Surrey Space Center in 2007 as a Senior Lecturer and Head of Antennas and RF System Research Group.He serves as a technical reviewer for many international journals and conferences, and is a TPC member, invited speaker and technical session chairman of some international conferences on RF/microwave, antennas, EM and satellite communications. He is a referee for evaluating research proposals of UK National Research Council (EPSRC). He has published over 100 technical papers and 6 book chapters. His research covers antennas, active antennas, smart antennas, high-efficiency linear RF/microwave power amplifiers (PA), LINC radio transmitters, reconfigurable antennas, reconfigurable RF/microwave circuits, electromagnetic modeling, and small satellites (Nano-satellite, Mini-Satellite and Micro-Satellite).