Dear Distinguished Researchers & Technologists, 03.03.2008
I would like to bring your attention to the OPENING of the website portals for (1) ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS, and (2) CONFERENCE REGISTRATION for International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism-ICSM2008 which is being held at Holiday Resort and Congress Centre of Ankara University, in Side-Antalya, during the week of August 25-29, 2008.
More specifically, the website for the ICSM2008 can be found at and until on April 14th, it will be possible to submit One-Page (A4 size) Technical Abstracts. You may also pre-register for the Conference:
The Main Topics of the ICSM2008 are amongst the others:
Spintronics, Device Physics, HTS, Boron related Superconductors and magnets and so on.
Please also note that there exists an impressive list of world experts as invited speakers on superconductivity and magnetism, who have already been scheduled for the conference.
If you are working on Superconductivity and Magnetism and/or on topics within the scope of conference, PLEASE consider a contribution of a technical abstract before the closing of the website portal on APRIL 14th 2008. Conference proceedings will be published in a reputable journal as a special issue. We are at the stage of evaluating an offer from IOP. Details will be made clear soon on our web-site.
CONFERENCE MOTIVATION STATEMENT: One of the leading goals of the ICSM2008 is the continued advancement of Superconductivity and Spintronics-based Science & Technology (S&T) for its effective application to various areas. Device Physics offers significant potential for achieving both the associated mid-term and far-future goals if the difficult work of establishing the proper scientific and technological foundations which can be accomplished in the nearer term. Indeed, many S&T leaders are concerned with the huge potential and opportunities posed by Nanotechnology related Superconductivity and Magnetism. With that general theme in mind, the ICSM2008 will provide a platform, where solid state physicists, chemists and material scientists would exchange knowledge on the latest experimental and theoretical results at the wonderful atmosphere of the conference and its venue.
There will be special social programmes and entertainment for both conference attendees and accompanying persons, while we strictly discuss and exchange ideas on scientific issues. The place for conference venue is a very attractive and enjoyable place for every age group. Please try to attend the conference and also encourage your colleagues and students to spare a week in Side-Turkey, such a place where they will never forget in their entire scientific career and their social life in general, we kindly promise. We would also appreciate if you could disseminate this Announcement through your Department or Institution.
Future emailing will be used to provide additional information on the conference. Hence, please send an email to with the subject line "REMOVE ME" if you do not wish to receive any further messages.
Yours very sincerely,
Hasan A臑IL
On Behalf of Magnetism Chair
For ICSM2008