Yang Fang, Gu Zhu-Xiao, Jin Xin, Wang Hao-Yao, and Gu Ning. Magnetic microbubble: A biomedical platform co-constructed from magnetics and acoustics. Chin. Phys. B, 2013, 22(10): 104301

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of MNPs and their composites in hypothetical magnetic drug delivery system: the magnetic field gradient can capture magnetic carriers flowing in the circulatory system. Then MNPs can release the loaded drugs into the specific tissue or organ. The aggregation of MNPs can also produce thermal effect to treat disease.

Fig. 3. The schematic diagram of MBs’ structure and loading strategies of drugs, genes, and targeting peptide. At low US intensity, the MBs oscillate in a nonlinear fashion with minimal destruction, which can be used to enhance the US imaging. As the acoustic power increase, the
bubbles cannot compress and make the bubbles unstable until reaching a point of rupture, which can be viewed as the basis for therapeutic ultrasound.

Fig. 5. (a) Schematic diagram of the types of the MNPs embedded in the shell of the MBs. (b) Schematic plot of the ultrasound flow: When magnetic MB suspension is injected into the blood vessel and dual modal images obtained using an ultrasound and MR imaging probe. At the same time, the magnetic MBs can be controlled by both ultrasonic and magnetic field.