Jianfei Sun, Yunxia Su, Chunyu Wang, and Ning Gu,The investigation of frequency response for the magnetic nanoparticulate assembly induced by time-varied magnetic field,Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:453
Figure 2 SEM images of bare g-Fe2O3 nanoparticles after solvent drying. In absence of the alternating magnetic field (a) and in presence of alternating magnetic field with different frequency (1 kHz (b), 5 kHz (c), 10 kHz (d), 50 kHz (e), 100 kHz (f), and 20 Hz (g)). The concentration of sample was 12.5 μg/ml. The naturally drying sample showed amorphous aggregates, while the field-treated samples showed more or less onedimensional orientation. With the frequency increasing, the chain-like assembly was more and more obvious. However, for the 20-Hz alternating magnetic field, the field-treated sample re-showed the amorphous aggregates to some extent, meaning that the alternating magnetic field of he frequency had not induced the assembly of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles.
Figure 4 Schematic illustration of assembly mechanism based on the field periods and the colloidal relaxation time. If the relaxation time is above the period of field, the assembly can occur. If the relaxation time is below the period of field, there is no attractive force to drive the assembly.