

2007-01-11 何世颖 点击:[]


The optoelectronic and physicochemical properties of nanoscale matter are size and shape-dependent. So synthesis of gold nanoparticles of different sizes and shapes is of great importance for their applications in optical devices, electronics, biotechnologies and catalysis. Conventional synthetic methods of gold nanoparticls have involved a number of chemical methods. There is an increasing pressure to develop clean, nontoxic and environmentally benign synthetic technologies. Microbial resistance against heavy metal ions has been exploited for biological metal recovery via reduction of the metal ions or formation metal sulfides. So the attractive procedure is using microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi to synthesize gold nanoparticles recently. The use of microorganisms in the synthesis of nanoparticles emerges as eco-friendly and exciting approach. In this study, the bacteria Rhodopseudomonas capsulata was screened and found to successfully produce gold nanopartilcles of different sizes and shapes.


Picture of test tubes containing the bacteriaRCbiomass before (test tube 1) and after 48 h (test tube 2) incubation in an aqueous of AuCl4- solution

TEM images of the gold nanoparticles produced by the reaction of 10-3M aqueous HAuCl4 solution with bacteriaRCbiomass at pH7 and pH4 respectively. The insets show ED pattern of gold nanostructures in the main part of the respective Figure

UV-Vis absorption spectra of gold nanoparticles produced at pH7 (curve1) and pH4 (curve2

Possible mechanisms of gold ions bioreduction

Accepted by Material Letters 2007