Kun Fang, Lina Song, Zhuxiao Gu, Fang Yang, Yu Zhang, Ning Gu. Magnetic field activated drug release system based on magnetic PLGA microspheres for chemo-thermal therapy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2015, 136: 712-720. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.10.014
Preparation of PLGA hollow microspheres decorated with IOs (MMS) and their feature.
A) Schematic showing the preparation of MMS. SEM and TEM image of MS (B, C, D) and
MMS (E, F, G).
(A) 4T1 tumor treated with PBS (left), MMS (containing no DOX) with ACMF (middle)
and DOX-MMS with ACMF (right) after 7 days. (B) Tumor therapy using MMS with or
without DOX and with or without ACMF treatment for 30 min. (C) the typical photographs of
excised tumors from mice on the 7 day. (D) Mouse mass as a function of days post treatment.