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Figure 2. Comparison of the calculated extinction and near-field results of GMM theory and FEM. (a) Extinction efficiency of a R20/30/40/50 nm Au@SiO2@Au@SiO2 MNS dimer with interparticle spacing of 5 nm. Local electric fields in the x–y plane plotted in logarithmic scale calculated from FEM (b) and GMM theory (c) at the dipolar resonance wavelength (λ = 1010 nm).

Figure 4. Extinction efficiencies of R25/30/50 nm Au@SiO2@Au MNS chains. MNSs aligned normal (a) and parallel (b) to the polarization with different particle numbers (d = 10 nm). (C) MNSs aligned parallel to the polarization with different spacings (N = 10). (d) MNS chain embedded in mediums with different refractive indices (N = 10, d = 10 nm). The dashed line corresponds to a single Au@SiO2@Au MNS.

Figure 5. Far- and near-field optical properties of a R25/30/50 nm Au@SiO2@Au MNS chain (N = 10, d = 10 nm). Optical cross sections (a), surface charge distributions (b), and electric field intensities (c) are plotted. The dashed lines in (a) correspond to a solid gold nanoparticle chain.