Wen He, Fang Yang, Yihang Wu, Song Wen, Ping Chen, Yu Zhang, Ning Gu. Microbubbles with surface coated by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Materials Letters, 2012, 68(1): 64-67

Fig. 1. SEM images of (a) blank microbubbles, (b) SPIO-coated microbubbles, (c) SPIO-embedded microbubbles, TEM images of (d) blank microbubble, (e) SPIO-coated microbubble, (f) SPIO-embedded microbubble, (g-i) are partially enlarged images of (d-f).

Fig. 2. B-mode ultrasound images of (a) distilled water, (b) blank microbubbles, (c) SPIO-coated microbubbles and (d) SPIO-embedded microbubbles.

Fig. 3 (a) MR images of SPIO-embedded microbubbles (I), SPIO-coated microbubbles (II); relationship between R2 and volume fraction of two types of microbubbles (b), and (c) hysteresis loops of (I) and (II).