Title: " Chemistry Syntheses of Mono-disperse Nanocrystals and Their Applications in Catalysis and Magnetic Materials "
Mono-disperse nanocrystals (NCs) currently attract intense research interests because of the novel properties induced by their size, shape, composition and structure. Recent advances in high temperature organic phase synthesis have led to various high quality NCs. I have worked on syntheses of the mono-disperse NCs and investigated their applications in fields of catalysis and magnetic materials. In this talk, I will focus on my experience in developing novel and facile syntheses for various NCs. I will first introduce the principal guideline for a successful synthesis and the general experimental set-ups. Some factors, such as synthesis routes, reagents, and surfactants et al, are found to play key roles in the synthesis. A few representative NCs syntheses will be discussed in detail to illustrate how the controls over composition, size, shape, and surface structure were achieved through tuning the synthesis conditions. Syntheses of PdxPty nanoparticles (NPs), Pt3Sn NPs, Fe3BO5 nanorods (NRs), Co NRs, Pd NPs et al will be presented as examples. Along with the syntheses, I will talk about their applications as fuel cell catalysts and magnetic materials.
会议地点:东南大学丁家桥校区小兰楼三楼会议室 (上午)
综合楼707 (下午)
下午:14:30以后 纳米组教师继续报告与交流及实验室工作研讨等