
14th ISEAC会议通知


The Fourteenth International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry (14th ISEAC)

August 17-20, 2013, Changchun, China

Website: http://iseac.ciac.jl.cn/

About the symposium

The Fourteenth International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry (13th ISEAC) will be held in Changchun, China, August 17-20, 2013. Since 1987 the First ISEAC was held under the auspices of the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), it has been held in Changchun, the beautiful city in the Northeast of China, regularly every two years. The aim of the symposium is to provide a forum open to all of electroanalytical chemists in the world to discuss their recent findings and information, and exchange their mutual interests or a broad area of electroanalytical chemistry for possible cooperation and to promote international friendship.

It is always organized on behalf of the CCS and CAS mainly by the Open Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry (LEAC) in the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC) of the CAS. The LEAC has been promoted to the State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry (SKLEAC) in 2001.



The symposium intends to emphasize the important recent development in electroanalytical chemistry including theories, methods and applications and to encourage us to proceed to new fields especially the multidiscipline. Many stimulating distributions including discussions and suggestions have been expected during the symposium. The symposium will include plenary and invited lectures as well as oral and poster presentations.

All electrochemists as well as electroanalytical chemists are warmly welcome to participate in the symposium and visit our SKLEAC.


Important Deadlines

Deadline for extended abstract: May 15, 2013.

Registration: August 17, 2013

Date of 13th ISEAC: August 17-20, 2013