以下是关于2012.5.21-6.1在University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign举办的4th Biophotonics Summer School (BSS12)会议信息,供您参考!
On behalf of the Network for Computational Nanotechnology, a resource supported by the National Science Foundation, and the University of Illinois Imaging Initiative, we would like to announce the 4th Biophotonics Summer School (BSS12) to take place at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 21- June 1, 2012. This is a two-week event aimed at training graduate students with research interests at the interface between optics, biomedicine, and nanotechnology. The School combines lectures and presentations with hands-on computational labs, delivered by experts in the field.
The tuition and lodging are free for qualified students who register by March 15. There is a registration fee of $150 that applies to accepted students only. For more information and application, please visit:
Our previous Summer Schools, NBSS11, NBSS10, and NBSS09, have been great successes, with attendees from more than 15 countries. We always receive many more applications than we can accommodate, so our selection process is competitive, based on the student’s record and the likelihood of high impact that the School will have on one’s career. To see the tentative schedule, please visit: