题 目: Cognitive Neuroscience for Brain-Computer Interface
报 告 人: 吴景龙教授(日本冈山大学自然科学研究院)
时 间: 2011年11月17日 (周四)上午10:00
地 点: 南京理工大学学术交流中心第三报告厅
主 办: 南京理工大学
IEEE AP-MTT-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter
Recently, the exploration of human brain functioning has focused on basic research in cognitive neuroscience and frontiers technology of brain-computer interface. With the development of engineering technologies such as measurement technology, information technology, and artificial intelligence, we can record brain activation with millisecond in the time domain and with millimeter in the spatial domain, during basic cognitive function and higher-level brain function (e.g., memory, language, and attention). In present talk, I will introduce a new research approach that combines brain-computer interface and cognitive neuroscience with using four frontier research topics in my laboratory. They are 1) tactile perception and neurology, 2) brain function and attention, 3) brain function and basic visual cognition and 4) brain function and language.